Welcome to our school's website highlighting many features and providing information regarding our outstanding school. The school's Mission Statement is "Responsibility and High Expectations Lead to Success". Our staff team believes in the Mission Statement and consistently focusing on developing students who are knowledgeable thinkers capable of problem solving and are excellent citizens.
Education is one of the determining factors of whether our children today have a chance of obtaining their dreams tomorrow. The staff is dedicated to instilling knowledge and positive character virtues. Highland School is an environment for students to learn and grow, build friendships and successes, and play and acquire knowledge to reach their dreams.
Instilling quality character virtues is also important to an individual being well rounded. Our Virtues Program is dedicated to the human side and, along with parents, building excellent character traits in our students. The school-wide Virtue words are Respect, Responsibility, Effort, and Safety. Each grade has its own Virtue words to build upon during the year. They are friendship, honesty, responsibility, integrity, self-discipline, perseverance, and accountability.
Additionally, PTA provides an important element to any school and this is definitely true here at Highland. Every parent joining PTA is part of our school's PTA, and PTA's commitment to supporting the school toward providing for our children. Our PTA shares our vision for students and strives to help staff in providing a quality education for each child attending our school.
We have a great school. Highland is focused on student learning and maintaining high expectations. Parent support of our academic and behavior expectations is critical to our success and to the success of each child's growth as a scholar and human being.
Please take a few moments to enjoy our web pages, and we hope you find them a good source of information. Thank you again for visiting our Website.